Insult or Impunity, you decide

Nobody likes to be pitied. Everyone wants to be known as happy & Healthy.

When you need to keep repeating the reason for your injury or the plaster for your fracture or the sling on your shoulder, at such times don’t you wish the earth would just swallow you, so you wouldn’t need to speak about your stupidity which caused the injury or the accident.

Since you want the world to see you as a STRONG person. One who can take on this and every other challenge that comes your way.

Today I realized, how wrong it is to put up a strong face & avoid the unwanted attention. At times emotions need to be expressed.

When you have an outward injury the plaster on it makes it too obvious to the world. It would propel them to definitely have at least one second of pity for you.

The well wishers would even go the extent of praying for your speedy recovery. Their thoughts are with you, to relieve you from pain & suffering. The universe hears this and low & behold the entire aura around you is working to heal you quickly & reduce your sufferings.

The ones who were envious of you also don’t want to be in your situation, at least for sometime.

Believe me it makes you feel strong & on your way to good health.

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